…and why it’s important.

No. 1

This is a Fair Alternative to Hourly or Flat Fees

Over the last 10 years, I've planned weddings with a wide range of budgets and needs. This vast experience has allowed me to thoughtfully price out this service to ensure that we are able to seamlessly level up and adjust to meet the demands of the wedding, no matter how it may grow or change in scope. Hourly fees are extremely unpredictable for us both and flat fees can be ill-matched to the final scope.


No. 2

It’s Transparent and Removes Surprises

You should have a good idea of your anticipated total spend even before we start. For example, for Full Planning and Design, if the budget is $100,000 we can assume that the Vendor Management Fee is around $9,000 (10% of the wedding budget subtotal) plus our $6500 Event Design and General Management Fee. Plus HST, of course. The 10% Vendor Management Fee is calculated at the time we make the budget, so it's fully transparent. No vendor is secured without your doing so you are in complete control. As vendors are secured, the budget is updated so you'll always see the running total.


No. 3

Budget Management is Critical

A critical part of our job is responsible budget stewardship. We take this very seriously to ensure our clients are getting the quality of vendor they want at a fair price and that we're making suggestions and decisions to present the best solutions for your needs. This means that it is never in our best interest to help a client blindly drive up the budget and, ultimately, the Vendor Management Fee. We are very open with our clients about what we believe will have the largest impact on the wedding overall to best prioritize the budget. Just because money is there, doesn’t mean it needs to be spent.


No. 4

Planning a Wedding is a Lot of Work

Planning a wedding is incredibly time-consuming. We’ve tracked our time over the last 10 years and the average full-service planning experience takes us 250 hours to plan from beginning to end. For our design clients, this investment is around 100 hours. There are obvious tasks such as budget creation, creating a beautiful design, and vendor sourcing but there are so many smaller details that need to be considered which are incredibly time-consuming, require a very focused level of attention, and can't be quickly skimmed over. Changes to orders, brainstorming custom ideas, problem-solving unique situations, and even small adjustments to headcount, upgrades to nicer products, or additions of vendors increase our time, focus, and responsibility for your wedding.