The Role of the Emcee

So you’ve found your perfect partner. Now you have to find the perfect person to fill the role of the emcee. You’ve seen them at events you’ve attended, but what do they actually do? Who should you ask to fill this position at your wedding?

The emcee is quite literally the 'master of the ceremony' and will communicate to your guests the goings-on of the evening. Their role is to engage, inform, and handle the crowd. By executing the schedule you’ve designed with your event planner, the emcee will help turn your dream wedding into a reality.

Your emcee will welcome the guests and begin the night by passing along important information. This should include washroom locations, designated smoking areas, and emergency exits. By outlining the guidelines for the evening (i.e., the venue’s rule for the clinking of glasses or other cheeky cues that will require the bride and groom to kiss), you’ll avoid many potential issues.

After presenting you and your partner as a newly wedded couple, the emcee will spend the remainder of the evening introducing speeches and events to your guests. These events include cutting of the cake, the bouquet/garter toss, and all special dances.

The more information your guests have, the more they can enjoy their evening celebrating this new beginning in your life!

The Role of the Emcee, Stratus Vineyard Wedding, Niagara weddings

Choosing an Emcee

Now that you know what your emcee will be doing, it will be easier to decide who should fill this role.

After putting so much work into planning, you need to pick someone you trust to perform this role (and someone you can trust not to get too tipsy before the night is through)!

If this task seems too daunting, you can always default this position to your DJ. For a more personal touch, ask someone you’re close with and who can add small details into their dialogue to make your celebration extra special.

Consider someone who has a friendly demeanor, is comfortable in front of a crowd, and can improvise well (we all know things don’t always go as planned). The role of the emcee should be given to a person who is able to capture an audience’s attention and bring back the focus while also reading the crowd and adjusting accordingly. It is a large role and a big responsibility, so be sure that they have thought about your request carefully before committing.


  • Your emcee should be in contact with your wedding planner, DJ, and venue correspondent prior to your wedding day. Ensure your emcee understands that for the night to run smoothly, it is vital that they listen to these important figures and the schedule that they have worked with you to create.

  • The emcee should take the time to meet with the speakers of the evening to make them feel comfortable, get some back story to use in the introductions, and confirm the pronunciation of their names.

  • Introduce your emcee to your photographer so they can prepare them for memorable moments you’ll want to be captured on film.

  • When determining who to ask, consider the theme of your wedding: Is it all about the entertainment? Choose someone with a great sense of humor. Is it a more formal affair? Pick someone eloquently spoken. The emcee will help set the tone of the event.

  • It may help if the person knows you and is familiar with the key members of your family so they can ensure they are present before announcing an important event in the evening.

  • Above all, it is important that you are honest with your emcee about how you want your night handled – are you open to jokes and funny stories, or would you prefer the night to move along quickly with short introductions?

By choosing the right person to fill the role of the emcee and help navigate the evening, your wedding will be exactly what you’ve always wanted and have no (unwanted) surprises! 

role of the emcee, wedding emcee, master of ceremonies responsiblitlies